"Mommy, can I noise? (Her word for "nurse", and she has been weaned for a year and a half)
"Ummm, no, sweetie, remember nursies are for babies? You're a big girl now."
She looks down all disappointed and says, "then can I have pa-coin (popcorn)?"
Ohhh, the precious things they say. It always cracks me up that she will still ask once in awhile:)

This is adorable! My daughter weaned at 12 months so she doesn't remember, and sadly my son would not nurse at all past 9 months - it was awful! Don't they say the cutest things though :) I'm glad popcorn was a good substitute!
Yep...when all else fails...there's always popcoin!
Blessings from Ohio...Kim W<><
What a great story! Write that one down in her book to share with her some day.
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