Sep 25, 2010

Wow, What a Whirlwind of Emotions.....

Oh man, it has been a very trying 24 hours here. This will be a long post, so don't worry if you can't make it through, I am writing this more as a journal entry for us. It's amazing how quickly your life can change in a few hours....

Friday morning Alayna woke up and came into our room, and promptly fell asleep on the floor. I didn't think much about it, figured she was woken up abruptly and was still tired. About 15 minutes later Emma came downstairs and said that she was now laying on their bedroom floor sleeping. Ok, now that's a bit strange. Brad went up, laid her in bed and came down to say that he thought she was probably getting sick. Lovely. I went in a couple times to check on her, and make sure she didn't have a fever, no fever. About 8:45 she finally came out, and laid at the top of the stairs, moaning. I tried to ask her if she had a tummy ache, or felt like she had to throw up, not much of a response. When I picked her up, she was completely limp, like NO muscle tone to her at all. I brought her downstairs and tried to wake her up. She would open her eyes, but then fall asleep immediately.

I had made homemade waffles for breakfast, and started feeding them to her, which she would eat with her eyes still shut. After about 10 minutes, she could sit up, and pretty soon wanted more. She looked VERY pale, and definitely not herself. (Do you remember my previous post??!!) Brad and I decided a call to her Pediatrician was in order and I chatted with a nurse for awhile. We decided to take her in at 11:30. Brad called to say that they were doing a bunch of different blood tests and would know more in an hour or so. After he dropped her off at home, he headed back into work. About 10 minutes after he left, the doctor called to say that her blood sugars were 334. He told us to promptly take her to the hospital where they would admit her and start figuring out what to do next.

Of course panic sets in as I think of my sweet baby having diabetes. I called Brad on his cell phone to get back home, and then we had to wait for daycare parents to pick their kids up, and figure out where our older two girls were going to go. I just couldn't believe this. Once we got to the hospital, we talked with the Pediatrician soon after and she informed us that it was in fact Type 1 Diabetes. Unbelievable. However, and 20 minutes later after giving her a blood test, the doc came back in very puzzled, because now her blood sugar was 60. She had no idea what was going on. They decided to monitor her sugars overnight to see what they would do.

At 11:30 am, her blood sugars were at 334, at 5:00 pm they were 60, at 7:00 pm they had jumped up to 225, and then throughout the night they were steady in the 130's. They were truly stumped as to what was going on. They also found glucose in her urine. However, there is a test called an A1C that will give you an average of the blood sugars from the past 6 weeks, and hers came back normal.

So many unanswered questions. Thankfully we have an appointment on Monday with a Pediatric Endocrinologist in the Twin Cities, and hopefully will get more answers there. It is just so hard not knowing anything. Obviously something is not jiving in her body, we just need to figure out what that is.


Tara @ Tara Being Tara said...

Sending your family lots of love and prayers right now. Stay strong!

elizabeth @ twelvecrafts said...

Praying for your family as you wait to find out what's going on!

Missy said...

What a scary experience for you. I pray you are able to find answers soon.

Fowl Single File said...

Oh, my gosh. My stomach is in knots and I don't even know you guys. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. It stinks just not knowing...that's the worst part. I hope it turns out to be nothing serious. I wish you all strength.

Ange said...

Wow, how scary for you! Hoping the doctor can figure everything out! Hang in there!

SnoWhite said...

Praying for resolution!

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Oh, no! Hope all turns out well!