Thank you for your kind words, thoughts and prayers! We saw a Pediatric Endocrinologist at Park
Nicollet Clinic in St.Louis Park yesterday and got some encouraging news! He
believes she has something called
Ketotic Hypoglycemia. Basically, because she is so small (in the 5
th percentile for weight and 33rd for height), her body has no fat stores to take energy from. So for her, when she eats (which is not
alot to begin with) her body uses that for energy, but when that is gone, her body doesn't have the fat stores to steal from to keep that energy. Therefore she needs to eat very frequently, and more high protein/good fat snacks and meals. When her body has used up that energy, her blood sugar crashes, so to speak, because it has nothing to take from.
This all makes perfect sense to us, in how we deal with her food battles, and her behavior. We still need to monitor her blood sugars for the next couple weeks, just to make sure they stabilize. We are also waiting to hear back from other tests, one of them being an antibodies test that *could* show the early stages of diabetes. So, all good news for now!
What a roller coaster of emotions we've had in the past several days, but very thankful to have something to go with now:)
That is definitely good news! Still keeping you in my prayers...
I just got caught up on this & I'll be praying for you all, but so glad you got good news today. I have a big important appointment like this on Monday so I too am hoping for some good news to relax my over the top nerves. God Bless!!
That is great news! I am glad you have some answers.
good you have answers and now can begin to get her well! we have friends with a little baby...he is on the 0th yep 0 percentile, nothing wrong with him hes just a little guy!
Wonderful! Good news for your family.
And... the ironic thing about your post -- we were just talking about this very scenario in class today!
That is some awesome news. I'm sending you positive vibes!
You poor thing...your whole family! I will be keeping you all in my prayers. I am glad you have a little bit more clarification but I will keep you in my prayers for sure! {HUGS}
Great but it's now October and you haven't posted so I'm hoping things are still going well for your babygirl!
Just catching up. So many questions but also so many answers to your earlier frustrations. It makes my little life concerns with my youngest seem like nothing. Thinking of your and sending prayers your way.
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