Dec 2, 2017

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

If you know anything about me, then you know how much I love Christmas!  I love it all, the meaning, sights, sounds, smells, the food, everything.  We start listening to Christmas music the beginning of October, the girls love it just as much as I do!

Image result for christmas music memes

 Now, being that I am working full time outside of the home, our Christmas tree has been going up earlier and earlier, haha.  This year we put up the family room tree and decorations a couple weeks before Thanksgiving.  I still keep up all my fall decor on the main floor because I still love all things fall!

The Friday after Thanksgiving we put up the rest of the decorations and the living room tree.  This is Brad's favorite activity.  He especially loves stringing lights on an already pre-lit tree.  #wheredidthelightsgo.

Alayna's favorite thing, putting the angel on top of the tree.  I bought this angel on our first Christmas together 21 years ago!

Poor Maci always gets roped into wearing the santa hat.  #spoiledcatprobs


Saturday night we had our annual Christmas with the Rothsteins.  This year I came up with some fun minute to win it games that we played with the kids.  Oh my word, did we LAUGH!  This one you had to suck the skittle with a straw and place them next to the plate.

And that was while wearing a pantyhose on your head with a baseball at the bottom.  So.freaking.funny!  We also played beanboozled which was NASTY!  

Tuesday we finally got the ornaments on the tree!

Thursday Alayna had her holiday concert, which was so good!  They actually sang real Christmas music which was really fun.  Our previous school did not allow any sort of holiday music, or decorations.  

December 1 brought back Billy the elf.  He brought a new book and a family ornament.  It's really fun for about 2 days, then I get pissy about where in the sam hell he should go.  We don't go all out, that's far too much work.

Last night Brad brought out a tv out on the patio and got it hooked up so we could watch "Christmas Vacation" and "Elf" while soaking in the hot tub!  It was GLORIOUS!  The weather was gorgeous too.  We decided this will be a yearly tradition.

So that's a little bit of what we've been up to.  We don't have a ton of stuff planned this month which I love, we're just trying to soak in all the Christmas music, movies and family time!

1 comment:

Terra Heck said...

Looks like Christmas is a lot of fun at your house! You're right, Beanboozled is gross! But it's funny to see people's faces when they eat a nasty jelly bean. I'm personally not a big fan of Christmas music. Not sure I'll ever get into it.