May 2, 2024

Alayna #18

Our last sweet baby turned 18.  Ugh....
It's so cliche, but it literally feels like yesterday we brought home our Mousey, and now she's a grown adult....

Alayna was our bonus baby.  I had always wanted 3 kids and we did try one more time for baby #3 about a year and a half after we had Emma, to no avail. 
We felt it was God's will to have our two girls and decided to be done.  
2 weeks after breaking ground on building a new house, I realized I was one day late.  Brad actually questioned it first but I thought there was no way I could be pregnant.  I know my body so well.  I waited a day and decided to test and wouldn't you know it, it was POSITIVE!  I was ELATED!  
I just felt we were meant to have 3, and this was the BEST surprise of my life!
I say it every year, but we could not imagine our lives without Mousey.
She is full of spunk, sass, sarcasm and is so damn funny.

Nowadays the below pic is what I get for her 18th birthday, haha!
Her hair "was a mess" and she was wearing her glasses and I had strict instructions of not posting a pic anywhere, so here we are.

Happy 18th Mousey!!

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