Jul 1, 2008

Baby it's HOT outside!

I caved and turned the air conditioning on this morning. Ugh, I hate having the air on during summer, no I don't like to be hot, but I so love having my windows open, and the fresh air coming through. It's supposed to be 90 today, so I figured it's time. Not too bad that it's the 1st of July, and this is only the second time I've turned it on!

I am trying to find some easy recipes to make for this weekend and next week, we're on vacation from July 4-13. We are going to the lake on the 5th and staying until Tuesday or Wednesday. I cannot, nor do I WANT to eat hotdogs or hamburgers the entire time. I need to make a big batch of muffins, some bread, and a pasta salad and salsa. Hmm, when exactly am I going to do this??!!

I did make a casserole yesterday, and my kids LOVED it! All it was was browned hamburger with onions, broccoli, and potatoes in a cream base (3 Tbl butter melted, and add 3 Tbl flour and one clove of garlic, saute for a minute or so, then add milk to thicken to the right consistency). At the end of the baking, I added some cheddar cheese to melt. I only had maybe a cup of it left! Big hit for me:)

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