Apr 22, 2023

Alayna Junior Prom

Mousey's first prom was a success!  She went with a good friend of hers and they had a blast!
I LOVED her dress, she tried on several, but as soon as she tried this one, we all knew it was "the one".

We had a friend of Emma's come to our house to do the girls' hair. I made some muffins and the (older and of age) sisters had mimosas. :)

One of the parents hosted a get together at her work-they have a meeting area with bean bags and food and cocktails for the parents, so fun!

Can't believe our baby is old enough to go to prom!

Apr 9, 2023

Easter 2023

We had another amazing Easter at our house!
It was a beautiful winter day and we had around 25 for lunch and then stragglers coming and going throughout the day.

Our menu doesn't change-at all haha! We had ham, chicken, mashed potatoes, dressing, corn, salads and strawberry pretzel dessert (which is the best part of Easter lunch!)

Saturday we went to church at 4, then the kids decorated Easter eggs.

Sunday morning we still hide their Easter baskets and have an egg hunt.  Back when they were younger, we used to have the egg hunts outside.  I would put tea lights in the eggs and hide them in the snow!

Now we just do it in the house and it's hilarious to watch them...