Time for another round of Friday Favorites! Linking up with Andrea, Narci and Erika.

By the time most of you read this, I will be enjoying a cocktail and lunch with 3 of my best girlfriends for our annual girls weekend!!! We've been doing a girls weekend every year in April for about 6-7 years now. The last few years we decided to have one person plan everything and surprise us. Last year was my year and we went to Stillwater which is such a fun place to go! The year before we went to St.Paul and had an amazing time.
We have NO idea where we're going and I can't wait to find out!!

I'm also super excited because while I'm sipping on cocktails playing cards, my amazing hubs is going to be installing the floor in the bar area, bathroom, laundry room and my office.
Next Wednesday all the cabinets are being installed and then all that's left is for Brad to install the trim and get the carpet put in. I can't wait to show you pics!
I do feel a teensy bit bad, as Brad is going to re paint the laundry room. I'm just not liking the yellow, it's too bright. We're going with the same color that in the family room and I LOVE that color.
In case you missed it, Wednesdays was Admin Professionals Day and I was surprised with a beautiful card signed by everyone in the office, and 2 bottles of wine. They know me so well! I am so lucky to work for a company that is passionate about their work, love these people!!

Last Saturday morning Rachel's best friend Taylor came over so I could do her hair for prom. Fun fact about me: I actually went to beauty school right out of high school. I did hair for about 4 years and hated so I quit to nanny for a while until I figured out what I wanted to do. Now that I have 3 girls, I really enjoy doing their hair for special occasions, but I was SO nervous to do prom hair!

Luckily it turned out good and she loved it. How gorgeous is she?? Love this girl...
I made muffins, had fresh fruit and screw drivers for Michelle (Taylor's mom) and I while I worked on her hair. Another friend of theirs came over to do her makeup. She was stunning!
After they left I opened up the windows, cranked the music and got busy spring cleaning! Brad and Taylor's dad were at the farm making goose sausage, so the girls were back and forth between our house and gma and gpas. I love that we're so close they can just bike to and from. Alayna, Emma and their cousin Will have a fort behind the farmhouse that they are constantly working, it's so cool!
I cleaned out ALL the kitchen cupboards and tossed and reorganized. It felt so good! I took Shay's advice and made a detailed list of every room in the house and what's needs to be cleaned/purged. It has worked really well, I just pick a project that I have time for.
Saturday night we had a campfire, the weather was amazing! Emma made a smores snack mix and we just chilled, it was glorious!
Mousey didn't last too long!

Love these nights at home with my family!
Thank you to all who emailed me suggestions with Alayna and school, we've already utilized a couple websites that she is really enjoying (thank you Allie!!)
And lastly, last night I made Lemon Butter Chicken from Damn Delicious (another one of my fave food bloggers!) and it was a hit!! And very easy to whip up after work.
Have a fantastic weekend!!!