Apr 29, 2014

Emma's 11th Birthday

Emma turned 11 on April 23 (I know, didn't I JUST have a kid birthday??  And the last one will be next weekend....)  and it was pretty low key.  She wanted glazed donuts for breakfast (she is her mothers daughter:) and shrimp alfredo for supper.  After supper we went to American Burger Bar for their birthday shakes.  

Saturday we had her party with 8 of her closest friends.  Now if you recall, Rachel just had a sleepover with 10 girls and I'd do it again in a heartbeat!  Emmas crew is still in the overly dramatic "OH MY GOD DID YOU SEE ** ON INSTAGRAM???  OMG I CAN'T BELIVE SHE WORE THOSE SOCKS"....sigh...

3 hours was plenty and I informed Emma we'll stick to 2 hours next year.  Her theme was Hollywood, and I even had a red carpet for the sidewalk into the house!

Anyhoo, I loved how my cupcakes turned out!  I used marshmallow fondant to make the stars, they weren't as stiff as I was hoping, but looked cute.

Emma found these on Pinterest...damn Pinterest.  They were actually pretty easy to make, just took a little time.

Some things I had leftover from her movie night theme last year which you can see here.  I also ordered a bunch of things from Oriental Trading Company.  I love that place!  I spent maybe $30 and got a ton of things.  

Emma wanted them to all have stars, so she made those.

Friends of ours had the movie reels and let me borrow those.  Everything turned out so cute!

And this is the little birthday diva.  Is she not just the cutest girl ever??  Love her to pieces...She is my very sensitive, emotional, and crazy smart girl.  Everyone says she is my twin, but I don't really see it.  She is a lot like I was as a kid, a little bit more quiet, loves animals and loves to read.  LOVES to read.  She is the kid walking down the driveway reading, haha!  

Love this girl so much and love being her momma!

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