Apr 27, 2014

Easter 2014

We had a wonderful Easter weekend that was full of fun!  I had a girls weekend in Stillwater Thursday-Saturday, tons of fun with 3 of my favorite ladies.  We shopped, ate and drank far to much beer, but it was an amazing time!

We got back Saturday afternoon and after a much needed nap, I got busy making food for Easter dinner with my mom and step dad.  While Brad went grocery shopping with Rachel and Alayna, Emma and I got busy making Bavarian Jello Salad and Sweet Milk Dinner Rolls (these are the BEST dinner rolls).  I also had made mashed potatoes last week and froze them, worked perfectly!

We then made 400 (ok maybe not THAT much) boiled eggs and colored them.  Our favorite part is the nightime egg hunt.  I use mini light up tea lights and fill plastic eggs with them.  It was fun last year because we had snow and I was able to shove the eggs in the snow which was way cool!

Alayna, always the card...

Finding the eggs!

My not so little beauties all dressed up for church!

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