Dec 14, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

We had a fantastic weekend of nothing planned! I needed desperately to get my office/craft room organized, so I got that accomplished which felt wonderful! We made some Christmas cookies with the girls, went out to eat, and drove around looking at Christmas lights. So fun! Sunday we went to church, and came home and watched the mighty Vikings play (they won!). For supper we went over to my sister/brother in law's and ate some fabulous chicken and spinach lasagna (must get the recipe!). I needed a weekend like that, as this week will be nuts, I am gone for meetings Monday and Wednesday, hubby is gone Tuesday, the girls have their activities night on Thursday, and Friday we head up to my Dad's (Yesssss! As Rachel said...).

Here is what's on our menu for the week:

Monday- Breakfast- Cereal, toast and fruit
Lunch- Crockpot Mac-n-cheese I have never made this one before, but it looks yummy!
Supper- Venison sausage, potatoes, steamed veggies

Tuesday- Breakfast- Pumpkin/ginger pancakes (I add just a bit of freshly grated ginger to the batter)
Lunch- Homemade chicken fingers (will post about these), baked potato wedges, veggies
Supper- Beef Stroganoff (recipe to come), homemade bread

Wednesday- Breakfast- Baked oatmeal, fruit
Lunch- Calico beans ( in the crockpot), grilled cheese, veggies
Supper- Creamy Chicken and Pasta

Thursday- Breakfast- Pumpkin muffins, fruit
Lunch- Homemade pizza, green beans
Supper- Leftovers

Friday- Breakfast- Homemade granola, fruit
Lunch- Eggs, toast, hashbrowns, fruit
Supper- We are gone!

I am also hoping in the midst of this week's madness, to make some Christmas candies, and a couple other cookies, we shall see....

Posting to Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie!


  1. what a great looking week! We enjoyed watching the vikings win too :)

  2. I don't know what I'm cooking until an hour before I eat...I now my family would love it if I was like you...I'm soooo jealous!


  3. You make a menu for lunches? You're the woman!


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