I cannot believe today is New Years Eve already!! This year completely flew by...
I am excited to have 3 days off, I really need this right now. My plan for today is to do some cleaning/laundry and start my meal planning. I also want to get my new planner filled out and get organized!
2016 was really an amazing year! Here is a little "year in review", which won't be much becaus I severely lacked in the blogging department!!
We got some time to snuggle this sweet boy...

We watched Alayna play volleyball, and she really enjoyed it!

Brad and I also started "The Fast Metabolism Diet". We did it for a full month and both of us lost weight and felt great! Guess what we're doing again this January????

Lucky duck Emma got the chance to go to Mexico with her bestie Kyleigh and her family. I love the relationship these two have...Kyleighs dad and I went to school together and then I did daycare for Ky and her brother Drew until each of them went to school. We've remained close friends and love to see how close these two are!

Rachel unfortunately had a very disappointing volleyball season. She played amazing, but her team was the ultimate "debbie downer" club. Half of the girls had attitude and really didn't want to be there. So frustrating, especially when the year before they only lost a couple games.
March brought one of our favorite holidays, Easter!
It is right up there with Christmas, there is nothing more meaningful than Christmas and Easter mass. Even the girls agree.
We of course decorated eggs.

We still hide eggs! I put tea lights in them and typically hide them outside, but this year it rained, so inside it was!

Of course we get all dressed up for church!

Love my girls...

And this guy.

March also brought Emma's school play. She was really excited about her role, not many 7th graders were picked, so she was super stoked! She was a pig which was the assistant to the main character. She NAILED it! She was so dang funny!

At lastly, this beauty turned 15, holy crap!

Which meant she got her drivers permit. Gulp. Which means in a couple months she'll have her license. Double gulp.


This beauty turned 13! I can't hardly believe I have 2 teenagers. Oh, wait yes I do believe it...
Our nephew got married and we had fun road tripping!

It was a really fun wedding and always fun to hang out with family!!

April brought our annual girls weekend in Stillwater.
We had a blast (some more than others, haha!!) and just enjoyed hanging out, shopping, eating and having cocktails!
I celebrated #41, can't believe I'm that old, haha! It was a gorgeous day for April 15th1!
Brad and I went to the Ordway Performing Arts Center with our friends Jim and Melissa to see "An Evening with Janis Joplin". It was amazing!

May brought beautiful weather! So nice to sit on the patio and enjoy the sun.
May also brought Alayna's (aka mousey) birthday!

Such fun this little lady is, and how boring our lives would be without her...
We poured a concrete slab in our backyard for a fire pit, turned out beautiful and we enjoyed many nights out here!

We drove down to see my grandpa in the nursing home, always so good to spend time with him!

I was able to go with Brad on a work trip to Chicago, it was an AMAZING trip!!

The end of May brought Memorial Weekend. We always stay around here and go to the farm for a campfire.

The weather was perfect and we had a blast! Emma and I made homemade strawberry lemonade to bring, it was a hit!

Alayna had her dance show, she had a blast with her class!

July is one of my favorite months because of the 4th! I love the decorations, food, festivals, everything!

The girls made cakes to take down to our festival for their cake stand!

The best part this summer was our pool! We enjoyed every second of that thing!

Enjoying fireworks on the third of July!

The 4th is our parish's HUGE festival. There is a parade (where Brad proposed to me 20 years !!), food, music and games. It's our favorite!

After the parade and festivities, we invited some friends and family over to enjoy the patio and pool. There is nothing I love more than entertaining!

I'm not gonna lie, August was my least favorite month. It was CRAZY busy with Rachel and Emma starting volleyball and swimming practices. Thank God for my mom helping us getting them to where they needed to go!
Alayna finished up softball and had a blast! Their team came in first!

The girls and I did a fun painting party at a local brewery.

And some fishing...

We also enjoyed a very relaxing weekend up at my dad's with all my siblings!

Of course the best part...

The evenings we were home were spent watching this...

And this...
The start of school, and I forgot pics, oops.
Rachel transferred schools this year, and it was the BEST decision!
We had our annual Labor Day fire at the farm and celebrated Brad's oldest brother Mikes 50th birthday.

And lots of craziness!

We had a quick couples weekend with our group of friends. We checked out a winery that was having a fall festival.

And of course, lots of sitting and watching this...

And this...

October brought

And lots of fall festivals.


Adults Halloween!

And early breakfast dates!

November wrapped up fall activities, which was nice! We actually had evenings at home, amazing.
We had an incredible Thanksgiving at our house with my mom, stepdad and brothers family.

It was a truly wonderful holiday!

What a wonderful holiday season it was!! We enjoyed so much and enjoyed having all of us home most evenings to just relax and watch all the Christmas movies and eating all the eats, haha!!
Billy the Elf made his appearance:

Brad and I were able to get free tickets to Holly Ball

Emma and Alayna had their orchestra concerts

I shared our home all decorated up

Decorating Christmas cookies (with the boyfriend!)

Made some homemade ornaments
Shared our Christmas traditions.

We drove down to see Macy's Santaland for the last time.

And of course enjoyed all the Christmas Eve, Christmas Day festivities!!

I am really excited for 2017 and look forward to all the amazing blessings from God. I would not be where I am today without Him in my life. I know that everyday I probably make Him roll His eyes, but I know that no matter what, He's on my side....
Happy New Year!!!