Apr 21, 2017

Friday Favorites-Books Edition

Happy Friday everyone!!!!

Linking up with my usual peeps, Andrea, Narci and Erika...

I have never been so happy to see Friday.  Seriously.  It's been one heck of a week.  Work was super stressful and I'm glad this week is DONE!
In honor of my stressful week, I'm talking about something that makes me SUPER happy....

So for Lent I gave up social media, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.  At parts it was hard, but I really didn't miss much.  Instagram the most.  Now that Lent is done, I am really trying to continue my social media fast.  Facebook is truly terrible, I go on to look at one thing and a half an hour later I'm still there.

So I'm filling my time with books, I LOOOOOVE reading!

Image result for buddy the elf reading memes

I've really been on a roll so far in 2017.  Here's what I've read so far:

Who We Were Before by [Mercer, Leah]

This book is about a couple who's young son dies, and how they cope with his death.  I really could understand both sides and how differently they dealt with their new life.

The Food of Love by [Prowse, Amanda]

I LOVED this book.  Loved.  This book deals with a family who's daughter has anorexia.  I really learned SO much about how an anorexic thinks about food, it was quite eye opening.  If you have daughters, I highly recommend reading this book!  It did take me a chapter or two to get into it.

Deliver Her: A Novel by [Donovan, Patricia Perry]

This book took me awhile to get into, but again, once I did it was really good!  This deals with a family who's parents are divorcing and their teenage daughter who is very troubled.  Lots of twists and turns!

The Cellar by [Preston, Natasha]

The Cellar is a book that you will start and finish within 24 hours, haha!  I could NOT put it down.  18 year old Summer is kidnapped by a man who has kidnapped other women and this book is basically about their live in the "cellar".   My 14 year old was reading it too and I knew there were some inappropriate parts and wanted to read it with her.  I'm glad I did, we had some good conversations about the book!

Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living by [Niequist, Shauna]

Present Over Perfect was an interesting book.  The first half I did not care for.  I felt like every chapter was a repeat of the one before.  But about half way into it, I really started to relate to what she was saying.  I kind of feel like I didn't give it a real chance because I got frustrated.  I plan on going back and re reading it.

Evelyn, After: A Novel by [Stone, Victoria Helen]

Evelyn Ever After was another one of my faves.  This one is about  wife who finds out devastating things about her husband and their life and how she moves forward.  Loved the main character and how she finds herself through the devastation.

So that's what I've read so far in 2017.  Here's what I'm currently reading:

The Magnolia Story (with Bonus Content) by [Gaines, Chip, Gaines, Joanna, Mark Dagostino]

Just when you think you can't love Chip and Joanna anymore, they write a book!  I love this book so far, and so neat to read how they started their empire.

Women Living Well: Find Your Joy in God, Your Man, Your Kids, and Your Home by [Joseph, Courtney]

This book is such a great inspirational book.  Its about living your best Christian life as a wife, mother and woman. I've already gained so much from this book and I'm only half way through it.

Proverbs 31 Wife Handbook (The Proverbs 31 Woman 2) by [Velez, L.]

I've been reading a chapter of this book a couple times a week during my morning devotional time.  It takes each verse from Proverbs 31 and dives more deeply into what that verse means.  I know not everyone has the same beliefs as far as the male/female roles in the home, but I personally agree with most of what she says.

The Practice House by [McNeal, Laura]

I'm also reading this book, The Practice House.  It's about a young woman from Scotland who comes to America to teach school during the Depression Era.  So far I'm really enjoying it!

And for my birthday, my mama got me:

Unstuffed: Decluttering Your Home, Mind and   Soul by [Soukup, Ruth]


Moment Maker: You Can Live Your Life or It Will Live You by [Zondervan]

I cannot wait to read these two, but as you can see, I think I should finish the others right now....

Happy Friday!!!


  1. What a fun idea for favorites! And right on time. I have an Amazon cart started with books for Summer and you gave me some great ideas. The Cellar looks especially good. Happy weekend pretty lady!

  2. I was doing so well with making time to read every night until about 2 weeks ago. The kids' sports and school events have taken over my life! I need to get back into it. Also, I apologize if you haven't gotten some of my email replies to comments from my blog- your email address sometimes gets kicked backed to me.

  3. I'm interested to read The Cellar. I'm going to add some of these to my reading list. Thanks!

  4. I am totally going to add some of these to my list! I am going on a work trip next week where there is no internet service, so I'm going to grab some on my kindle before I go to read at night!

  5. I like to read too but don't have as much time as I used to. I keep hearing good things about The Magnolia Story. Sounds good.
    I'm definitely going to add The Cellar to my reading list.


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