Apr 23, 2017

Emma Jo #14

Today we celebrate this beautiful girls 14th birthday!  I know it's so cliche to say, but seriously, WHERE does the time go??

Emma is our fun loving, super artsy, musically inclined, crafty, addicted-to-sweets (I blame my mom) young lady.  This kid is SERIOUS about traditions, as in, you do everything the EXACT same way for holidays and don't mess it up!  The older they get, I tend to slack a little more on some traditions thinking they're too old.  Heck no!  She doesn't let me get by with that!

Friday night she had her small group of girls overnight.  She made these amazing oreo cupcakes with an oreo cream cheese frosting (homemade!).  Seriously, these cupcakes were SO good!

Brad made burgers on the grill and then I took the girls to Cherry Berry for dessert.

If you know anything about Emma, she has a severe addiction to sweets, especially donuts.  She wanted me to make her a donut tree for breakfast, haha!  She made the birthday sign.  Remember that artsy part I mentioned above?  That kid amazes me with her calligraphy.  She has a whole notebook full of her creations!

One of the many things we love about Emma is that even though she might be a bit dramatic, she does not deal or put up with drama in school.  She has no time for that, and neither does her friends.  She has such a wonderful group of girls!

Emma is the girl who just wants everyone happy. She loves her family and friends fiercely and would give them the world if she could! 

Emma Jo, we love you SO much and are do proud of the young woman you're becoming!
Happy birthday beautiful!!


  1. Happy 14th to your precious angel! A girl after my own heart with that doughnut tree and Oreo cupcake!

  2. Send me that Oreo cupcake recipe stat! That looks awesome! I love that you did a donut tree! Ari is obsessed with donuts, too. As a teacher to teens, I appreciate that you've raised a kiddo who likes to stay away from the drama! Happy birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday sweet girl! I hope you all enjoys the birthday celebrations. That Oreo cupcake is calling my name.


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