Mar 14, 2016

Rachel #15

You know I remember when my mom and dad would always say how fast time flies, but as a kid I always thought it went so.slooooow.  I get it. 

I mean how do you from this....

To this???  I just can't quite comprehend that.  I remember when she was little I literally thought she would stay 3 forever.  And I don't mean that in a nice way.  This kid was a pain in my ass!  She was SO DAMN stubborn, it killed me.  Her dad had all the patience in the world for (thank God), but mine ran very thin.

However now, I feel like her and I "get" each other.  I have way more patience for the teenage stuff than I did the younger years.  Poor Brad now feels like I did when she was little, ha!

Like I mentioned in my last post, this girl is totally a firstborn!  She is a natural leader and really doesn't give a rip what you think of her.  She is hilarious, smart and a naturally beautiful girl (she gets that part from me, the smart part from her dad:)  She has an unhealthy addiction to shopping and Grey's Anatomy, and is so passionate about volleyball.

She has an amazing group of girlfriends whom she loves fiercely and thankfully we love also!  
Saturday I took the girls shopping to Albertville and then out for lunch.  As much as I loathe shopping, it really was a super fun day!  Later that day the parents came over and Brad smoked pork chops and I made a couple salads and salsa.  I was a gorgeous day to sit on the patio with cocktails!

Rachel, we love you immensely and hope that you continue to bless our lives like you already have!!
Happy 15th birthday!!


  1. Ahhh I have a baby and I dread time flying! Crazy! Happy birthday to your baby!

    Xox Dana Ivy //

  2. What a beautiful girl! I suppose you will have to pass on the skill of 'value shopping' to her, but I am sure you had the best time shopping at Albertville last weekend!


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