Mar 25, 2016

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope each of you is able to spend some time with family this weekend and are able to reflect on the real reason for Easter.  Tonight we have nothing going on (Brad is just getting back from being out of town all week) and we plan on doing family devotions and playing cards.  I want to make sure our girls grow up knowing why Good Friday is so special...


Like I said above, Brad has been out of town all week so it's been a bit crazy!  Last Saturday we had the benefit for our friend Aaron who is battling stage 4 colon cancer.  The benefit was AMAZING!!  It is so cool to see how many people come out to support others.  Truly was an eye opening and humbling experience for so many of us.  We worked from 8 am until 12:30 that night, we were exhausted!!  But so, so worth it.

Sunday Rachel had a volleyball tournament and Emma had her school play.  Rachel's team has really been struggling this year.  She (and her friend Sarah) were placed on a 17's team, but the girls on her team have struggled to get along on the court, and couple that with college coaches that don't know how to deal with attitudes, it's been super frustrating.  Especially since last year her team rarely lost.  It's definitely been a learning experience!


Emma's play was AWESOME!!  The play was a fairytale based mystery and all the kids were amazing!  Emma was a pig who was the assistant to the chief detective.  She nailed her part!  Pig was always frazzled and in a hurry, I laughed SO hard!


We left Rachel's game early on Sunday (it was an in town tournament thank goodness) to go watch Emma's play.  We picked her up at Haley's house and they invited us to stay for supper, ummm yes!!
I think the girls were a wee bit exhausted, haha!!


Monday night brought dance for mouse and picture day.  I didn't get a pic because I forgot but I think she would have killed me anyway.  She is in a hip hop class which she kind of likes, but the costumes are crazy!  She gets so embarrassed wearing it!

Tuesday mousey had her class concert and it was so good!  The theme was "Fit", so every song was about eating healthy/exercising.  She's been singing the songs for a couple months and I totally did the side eye thinking it would be a lame concert, but it wasn't.  The teachers did an amazing job and we laughed out loud several times!


Wednesday I let Rachel drive since she now has her permit (yikes!).  She has only driven back roads, but this time I made her drive in town.  I'm pretty sure she's never been this quiet in her life!


I had Thursday off and decided to dive into some spring cleaning.  I laughed out loud at Maci's little stash of balls and pom pom's under the couch!

I had to laugh last night because Rachel was at a friend's house and Emma had a friend over.  Alayna watched a show with them and then came upstairs complaining of how bored she was.  I offered to play cards or a game and she didn't want to.  She also insisted she was not tired.  This was her 5 minutes later.  Silly mouse.

I pray that each of you has an amazing Easter weekend and can spend it with the ones you love!!


  1. Boy Does Rachel look like Maddie driving, LOL Did you put a dent in the passenger side floor boards trying to brake for her?

  2. Hope you had a great Easter. He has risen!

  3. Phew, you ladies are busy busy busy! Sounds like all sorts of fun though! I loved the picture of you and the girls on Easter you posted on IG! So beautiful!


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