Feb 25, 2016

Our Life Lately

It appears that our "life lately" is all I have to talk about, haha!  I really do miss the random food or exercise posts that I used to do ( a looooooong time ago...) but this is about all I have time for.

So, of course, linking up with Erika and adding in another...September Farm! Although this week I am going with the "What's Up Wednesday" theme!

What We're Eating This Week:
I made Kristin's Vegetable Beef Soup on Tuesday, and I was amazing!  I swapped our quinoa for the rice and added sweet potato instead of white.  The girls loved it!

What I'm Reminiscing About:
It's been 6 years since we went to Mexico and I just want to go back!

And what makes it worse is that this lil scheister just got back from Mexico with her bestie!  She had the BEST time and we were so thankful they took her with.

What I'm Loving:
This is my new favorite mocktail...Kevita Mango and Coconut with Peach-Pear LaCroix and fresh lemons and limes.  It is SO SO yummy and refreshing and very good for you since the Kevita is a probiotic drink.  Win win!!

What We've Been Up To:
Rachel had her President's Festival tournament this past weekend but unfortunately couldn't play as she fractured her finger a few weeks ago.  The girls didn't play the best, but they still had fun!  One of the vball moms did the saran wrap game where you wrap up little gifts and then the girls shake dice and when you get doubles you unwrap the ball until someone else gets doubles.  So fun, and so LOUD!

What I'm Dreading:
Absolutely nothing!

What I'm Working On:
I want to try my hand at making some homemade soap.  I recently discovered this blog and seriously cannot wait to try making the vanilla latte exfoliating soap!

What I'm Excited About:
I am having supper with an old friend next Tuesday and I cannot wait!  It's been over 2 years since I have seen her, yikes...

What I'm Watching/Reading:

Seriously, LOVE this show!  I am almost done with Season 2 and I am already sad that the end is in sight...
As far as reading, not a whole lot since I watch this whenever I workout or have spare time with no children around...

What I'm Listening Too:
I love, love, love Pandora.  At work I listen to Alison Krause and Union Station and Nickel Creek stations, and at home I usually listen to the French Cooking station, I love it!

What I'm Wearing:
Skinny jeans that are pretty baggy on me, whoop whoop!  Time to buy some new ones, haha...

What I'm Doing This Weekend:
Rachel and I have to work concessions Saturday morning at the volleyball tournament and then Sunday we have a bridal shower.  But that's all!

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month:
Well it's actually April, but I have a girls weekend planned and I cannot wait!

What Else is New:
Not a whole lot, which is ok.  However, I will leave you with a shot of this cutie patootie...

1 comment:

  1. Man, I haven't listened to Alison Krause in awhile, need to turn on that Pandora station stat.


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