Feb 12, 2016

Friday Favorites

Time for another Friday Favorites!

It's been a busy week, but this weekend is going to be super chill and I cannot wait!

Last weekend Rachel had a tournament in Pierz, and the girls played pretty well!  They ended up placing 5th overall (out of 15 teams).  Way better than the previous weekend where they came in dead last.  That's our number 16!

Unfortunately Rach will be out for a few weeks as she fractured her finger at this tournament.  I feel so bad for her as she will be missing the biggest 2 day tournament of the season.  Such a bummer.

I really enjoy watching her play.  She is only 14 and is playing on a 17's team.  I know I am biased and I'm not a bragger, but she is one of the best one's on the team!  We are so proud of how far she has come.

I am also proud of how well this kid eats!  We always pack our meals to bring to the tournaments and she is such a healthy eater.  I make a big batch of homemade granola bars which I cut and wrap in plastic wrap, they are so easy and so yummy.  She makes sure that she has plenty of fruit and veggie's to go with whatever she is having.  Makes me proud to see the choices she is making.

Tomorrow morning my sweet Emma Jo leaves for Mexico.  Ugh.  She is going with close family friends of ours and even though I am really excited for her, I will be so glad when she is back!  And I'm pretty sure I am making margaritas for myself in honor of her, just sayin... her and I going to get pedicures tonight, nice bonding time before she leaves.

Image result for mexico ecards

This morning we celebrated Valentine's Day early since Emma will be gone.  I got them each a couple little things and then made heart shaped pink pancakes for breakfast.  Tonight I will make a big supper and then we'll have lava cakes for dessert.  Emma and I will devour them and Alayna and Rachel and Brad will eat like 2 bites and be done.  "too much chocolate" they say. Whatevs.   

I hope to get a lot of stuff done this weekend...I am on season 2 of Orange is the New Black and am slightly obsessed.  Hopefully I don't get suckered into watching a whole season....

1 comment:

  1. Poor Rachel with that finger! Hopefully it heals quick! I also hope Emma has a safe and great trip! How fun!


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