May 21, 2014

Wednesday Randoms

It's Wednesday ya'll, which means the week is half over and then we get a three day weekend, whoo whoop!  I have tomorrow off as Alayna has a little spring concert at noon.  I'm extremely lucky that I have such a flexible job!  I get one day off a week, which is usually Tuesdays, but I can switch that whenever needed.  SO nice!

Today was gorgeous, 62 and sunny with a nice breeze.  I had a safety meeting at work at 6 am, so lucky me got to go home at 2:30 which meant I had time for a longer run.  I decided to tackle a different route by our house that is all up and down hill.  I did 4 miles (walked some) in 45 minutes.  But I burned 440 calories!

Do you love my socks?  I got these hot babies right before I ran my half and I swear I will never ever run without them again!  It gives so much support and I must say that after my half my calves were ON FIRE, but within an hour they weren't sore anymore.

I may look like a fruit loop but I love them!

Brad was gone for 4 days and the girls love to take turns sleeping with me.  Alayna's turn was on Sunday and when I came to bed, this is what I saw, isn't she precious???!!!  I did not, however, enjoy having her kick me all night long.  I woke up at 4 am with a severe butt cramp only to find I was laying ON her foot.  Sheesh...

Rachel had an orchestra concert last night.  It was 6,7&8 grade orchestra and 6,7&8 grade choir.  The first beautiful evening in like 8 months and we were stuck inside for an hour and a half.  The orchestra part was awesome, they are so good!  The choir?  Meh.  There was a boys choir and not a single one of them wanted to be there and they sounded mostly like ogres.  Seriously, it was bad.  This is her besty and cousin Madalyn (who is also my god-daughter, isn't she beautiful?)  They are growing up entirely too fast.  I wish life would slow down a bit...

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