May 18, 2014

Alayna's 8th Birthday

Little Miss A celebrated her 8th birthday, and in true 8 year old fashion, it was a "Frozen" themed party.  I always say I'm going simple, and then freak out the day before the party that no one will have fun and her birthday will be ruined because I didn't get color coordinated M&M's.  (can you see them in the bowl???)  It's a sickness, I think.  Oh well, they all had fun and thats all that matters!

No, I didn't go buy the castle just for her party, Santa actually brought it for Christmas.  It worked perfectly for my decor!

With 10 screaming 8 year olds, what else do you feed them but sugar, right?  We had cupcakes, m&m's, and rock candy....Can you say sugar high??

The birthday girl before copious amounts of sugar was consumed.

And after.....

She had a wonderful time, and I couldn't wait to have a beer!  Our life would be dull and boring without our mousey, she keep us on our toes!  We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Mia wants a frozen birthday this year. Everything looks soooo great and those cupcakes... oh my!


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