Mar 24, 2013

Menu Plan Monday

I am linking up with Laura over at Organizing Junkie for her Menu Plan Monday.  I have been planning my menus for quite awhile.  I had to when doing daycare, as young children seem to want to eat three meals a day.  And there is nothing worse than not being organized and not knowing what to make.  Makes me crabby.  As much as my kids would have loved mac-n- cheese from a box everyday, that wasn't an option.

One of my favorite Sunday afternoon jobs was to plan my weekly menus.  I would go through any new cooking magazines I have, blogs, cooking sites and create my menus.  With my new job, I have Fridays off which rocks!  I typically will create my menu Thursday night and then Friday will be my cooking days.  I like to do a lot of freezer cooking, makes my weeks so much easier to pull something out of the freezer and have Rachel pop it in the oven.

One of my favorite freezer cooking blogs is Mom On a Mission, she has a ton of great recipes that my family loves.

This weekend I actually got a lot accomplished.  I made a batch of Lara bars (recipe to come), Lentil Vegetable soup for my lunches this week (recipe to come), 2 loaves of bread, browned 4 lbs of hamburger for the freezer and cooked up 3 lbs of chicken that are diced and ready to freeze.

So here is what I've got on the menu this week...we don't always stick with the menu, sometimes I find something different to try and we usually go out to eat once a week.

Tuesday-  Taco or Ham Crescent bake
Wednesday- Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes
Thursday- Smothered Pork Chops (Using my own cream soup)
Friday- We are going out for supper with friends, so probably shrimp and tots for the kiddos!

1 comment:

  1. Yum! Your cheesy chicken and ranch casserole sounds good as does your smothered pork chops.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. I have chicken spaghetti in the slow cooker even as I type this :-) It is good!

    Kerry from


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