Aug 8, 2011

Homemade Ice Cream Sandwiches

A few weeks ago Rachel had a surprise going away party for her friend Sydney who was moving away. We went with a summery/retro decor. I had ordered a couple things from Oriental Trading Company, but only spent about $20 total! Everything else I already had. The girls devoured sloppy joes, chips and veggies and to drink, I made them Shirley Temples. They spent most of their time in the hot tub jamming out to Katy Perry. And as much as I hate to admit it.....I really like Katy Perry.....

The girls and I filled mason jars with white beans, and colored balled up tissue paper, glued ribbons around the rim, and placed candles inside.

For dessert I made Homemade ice cream sandwiches. I used regular graham crackers, homemade vanilla ice cream and the most ah-mazing fudge sauce ever!! The girls raved over how yummy they were, and I got a couple phone calls from moms asking for the recipe.

These were a super easy, yummy summer treat!


  1. Excellent idea. We get our chocolate ice cream sandwich "cookies" from our local bulk food store. Especially good w/homemade ice cream. :-P

    Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><


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