Sep 15, 2010


Thanks to Alison from Oopsey Daisy for this delicious Stromboli recipe! I made this last night and it was a big hit with the kids. Well, and Brad too, of course.


1 loaf Rhodes frozen bread dough (I used my bread machine on the dough setting and made the dough)
Mozzarella cheese 8-12 oz.
Ham- thinly sliced 8 oz.
Pepperoni 8 oz.
Green pepper- sliced
Onions- chopped
1 beaten egg

If you use the frozen bread dough, allow dough to thaw and rise. Roll out to a rectangle about 1/2-1/4 inch thickness.

Brush dough with beaten egg, and start piling on the fillings! I laid a pile of mozzarella cheese first, and then the ham. Unfortunately I had no onions or green pepper. Then sprinkle basil and oregano over the filling.

Now bring the sides of the dough together and pinch at the top. Flip over so the seam side is down, place on baking sheet and brush dough with the beaten egg.

Bake at 400 for 5 minutes, then cut it down to 350 for 18-20 minutes.

I love this recipe because it really is good with whatever you have on hand! Make sure to check out her post, as she has lots of step-by-step pictures.

Thank you Alison for the great recipe!!


  1. Oh, that does look good. I am going to have to put that on the menu for next week. Thaks for sharing.

  2. Wow! Cara, I think I should borrow YOUR picture of stromboli! You make it look so good! Thank you SO much for the shout-out, and I am so glad you liked it!! You made my day!!


  3. Hi Cara, this looks so good. I will have to try it. I am a new follower. I found you from a nice comment you made to Frenchy. You have a cute site. =)

    I also have a recipe swap linky I started if you are interested.

    Have a great week.
    Joyful Housewife

  4. I am in dire need of some new recipes to change up our menu. I will have to give this recipe a try. Thanks for sharing.

  5. looks very good, Have I said before how much I like your header photo? well, I do.


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