Sep 7, 2010

Back To School Part II

With the first day of school here, I decided (like 20 minutes before they got home) to make a sign to hang on the front door to celebrate the first day of school! I had wooden tiles from our local craft store (that has permanent loans for me to take out, lol....) that cost me $1. I had Brad cut several wooden rulers in half for me, and hot glued them to the wooden tile. With the limited amount of time that I had, I just glued some school scrapbook paper onto the rulers and cut out "happy"
And of course there always has to be a special snack, so this year I made these super cute apple cupcakes I found on Family Fun.

Can you tell momma was excited??!!
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  1. Fun! cute cupcakes, my kids are older so I never see family fun, glad you shared.

  2. Hi Cara! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love those cupcakes!! My boys would love them! Going to have to steal the idea when we do our Letter A theme week!

  3. What a great mom you are. Those are so cute! Love, love, love the sign.

  4. The apple cupcakes are adorable. I've seen several other apple themed back to school treats, but I love that yours look like there is a bite out. Yum!

  5. The cupcakes are adorable!!! Super cute. :) Thanks for the visit today!

  6. Adorable cupcakes - and sounds totally like my spur-of-the-moment planning!

  7. Thanks for stopping in at Little Sprout Books - so glad you enjoyed it, and I appreciate you following! You mentioned the Lovebug book - we have that one too - and both boys adore it! Hope we'll see more of you!


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