Aug 4, 2010

Well Hello!!

My goodness! It's been like, what, a MONTH since I've posted?? Yikes, need to get better at that. However, in my defense my internet connection has been terrible lately, and therefore cannot post pics. Who wants to read a post without pics??

My summer has consisted of softball practice, swimming, softball games, swimming and packing (because we're always goin somewhere, right??!!). Shew, I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted just reading that. Isn't the "dog" days of summer supposed to be relaxing?? well, thankfully this month things will slow down, no more swimming, softball, or any other extra activities. Nope, now I get to stress about how much the fall activities will cost. Good golly miss molly...

So, my whole point to this post was to show you my absolutely favorite, most incredible wall that I am doing in the family room! See it? Isn't it fabulous??!!! Oh wait that's right, can't post pics...
So, my fine friends, you will have to wait. Buuuuut, I can you that it has a lot to do with old windows and a screen door from hubby's parents farm.......

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. I have been wondering where you are, but just figured you were busy with summer activities. I can't wait to see that wall! =)


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