Jul 21, 2010

Our Newest Addition!

See this little cutie patootie? This is our newest family member. We named her Shelby, and boy oh boy is she fun! We are all loving her up (yes, even Brad, although he won't admit it:) even though she has had some potty and poopy accidents, grrrr. She's lucky she's so cute. It's funny though, as I had a little bit of guilt falling in love with the little furball after losing Fluffy so soon. But, we have all adjusted well, and I can't tell you how much I love having a cat. Some people are dog people and some are cat people. I am 100% a cat lover!

In other news, is anyone else in disbelief that the summer is more than half over? Good gravy gertrude. Although I do feel like we've accomplished a lot this summer, I still can't figure out where it went. Although July has been the busiest month for us with softball, swimming lessons and some summer rec classes for the girls.

*My* biggest accomplishment has been in the fitness area. I have decided to really start running, and not the run-half a mile-on-my-treadmill-twice-a-week deal that I was doing. I want to run a 5K this fall, and my endurance SUCKS. Period. So, I have been running a mile to a mile and a half 6 days a week for two weeks now. I feel soooooo good, and can already see the difference in how my clothes feel. Man does THAT feel good! Now, I am a thin person by nature, but I have good ole birthin hips and thighs. I am tired of see it wiggle just a weeee bit too much. So, I hope to keep this up, but don't expect to see me at the Boston Marathon anytime soon:)


  1. Your new kitty is adorable! I just found your blog and I signed up to follow it. I am also trying to get into better shape. I am hoping your post will keep me motivated. It is hard when you write cookbooks for a living.

  2. My poor girls are allergic to kitties like their mother. We have to enjoy them from a far. As for the running. It's been on my mind. That's as far as its gotten though. I have so much respect for anyone who laces up those shoes more than once.

  3. You got a kitten! We already have 2 cats....Oh i love kittens :)


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