Oct 6, 2009

Under Construction!

Please excuse the "mess" you might see here:) I am working on a different layout and depending on how well it goes, I hope to be done this week, lol! I am totally NOT a computer whiz, but I'm going to try, none-the-less:)

P.S. All of my buttons are waaaaaaaaay down at the bottom, now I'm trying to figure out how to get them up, but so far haven't, lol. If anyone knows, please help!! So if you are wondering where my buttons/followers went to scrolll all the way down....


  1. lol! I have been there before! I absolutely do not mind your mess!

    I did read a suggestion to create a separate blog just for the purposes of testing layout changes and such. When it looks the way you want it then you just copy and paste the HTML accordingly. I wish I had known that little trick before I did my big changes. It would have helped eliminate the "what did I just do?!" moments. just an idea.

    and I'm sorry but I have NO idea why all your buttons are down at the bottom????

  2. Good luck. Take notes - I might need them down the road...


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