Oct 5, 2009

A Giveaway!

So, everyone must go check out Rainy Day Farm's giveaway that she is doing. She made these FABULOUS blocks that everyone must have. These are one of the cutest crafts I have seen, and if I don't win (pick me, pick me!!) I might have to try my hand at making them...

I am thoroughly enjoying blogland this Fall, and cannot wait until the Holidays to see what everyone will be making/decorating. I have met so many awesome ladies, and feel very blessed to be able to join them on their "journeys" whether it be cooking, decorating or learning more about the Lord. So, now I would like to pass on the "Lovely Blog Award" to some amazing ladies....
http://homeismyparadise.blogspot.com/ Mandy just started blogging, and her blog is already awesome!
http://calangel58.blogspot.com/ Alicia's blog is full of great decorating ideas and recipes!
http://chevonee.blogspot.com/ Chevonee's blog has some insight on the Christian faith. Her posts are always good thinkers!
And finally...
http://smellingcoffeetoday.blogspot.com/ I love Jennifer's blog, she is always posting scripture that I am needing to read for that day:)


  1. Wow Cara,
    I'm so thrilled and touched. This is my first blog award! Yippe!!!

    What a nice thing to do. Thank you so very much. I appreciate the nice things you said about my blog as well.

    I too love this blogland and the friends I've made. :-)

  2. Oh, and I also grabbed your button. Cya!

  3. Thanks, Cara! You set such a great example. I learned all about blogging from the best...


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