Sep 14, 2009

This Weekends Thrifty Finds!

Ok, so being that I am down quite a few daycare kids, I've been put on a budget:( Not too happy about that, but, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. So, Saturday I took Mom and the girls to our local thrift store, Anne's and we had a blast! I found that old, old breast pump (I had to, I can't wait to show my LLL group!) for a dollar. The box I love, they had 12 boxes all different sizes for $30. However, on my "budget" (grrr) I could only get one box, so I chose this one. I put it on top of my kitchen cabinets and put the coffee jar from my Grandma on top of it.
We had a great weekend just hanging out, the girls and I. Saturday morning Rachel and I picked a bunch of apples from our apple tree. They are great for baking, but are so.very.small. It took us over an hour just to peel and slice them and I got about 4 cups of applesauce made from them. I used the recipe from one of my fave blogs Finding Joy In My Kitchen. It is divine, sooo tasty, and delicious! Saturday evening I picked a bunch of tomatoes and the girls helped me chop them up so we can can them. Maybe today we'll get to that. I am going to try and pick more apples today and make some apple bread, I think.
Have a great Monday!


  1. So happy you liked the applesauce :) Must be fun to pick them right from your tree!!

    And, I love the old fashioned breast pump -- things have come a long way!

  2. I am sooooooo glad I don't live in the time of that breast pump! That looks like a glass bike horn! I wonder how effective it was? Great job doing a budget. I need to be more strict too. You are not alone!


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