Sep 14, 2009

Barn Board Re-do

I received about 15 boards from my inlaws barn that they tore down a few months ago. I've been trying to figure out what to do with them, when I stumbled across this idea from a blog I found (which is WONDERFUL!!). The blog is called Little Miss Crafty Pants
Her idea was with white tiles which looks fabulous. However, being on my "budget" (grrr), I can't spend money. So I used one of the barn boards from my inlaws barn that they tore down a couple months ago. I used my Cricut machine and cut out 4- 4" squares with white cardstock, 4-3.5" printed paper squares that I had on hand and then the lettering in black ( 3.5"). I just hot glued the squares onto the board and glued the ribbon on the back. I LOVE how it turned out, and the cost?? FREE!!!!
I am linking up to Metamorphosis Monday


  1. Your sign is super cute! Free is always a great price :-) Thanks for your sweet note on my blog!

  2. Hi Cara!!!

    Cool sign!!! And excellent idea!!!

    Thanks so much for stopping over!!!

    love, kelee

  3. That is so creative. I really must get to work with my Cricut...I just never seem to allow myself the time to work with it.

  4. What a cute idea, and free is always great. Such a cute sign!

  5. Thanks for stopping by! I love new visitors!

    Um, that sign is to die for! You could sell those! Think of all the free would you could find. It'd be almost all profit! DO IT! :)

    Rachelle @ M&LBS

  6. Very cute look!
    Great inspiration and creativity.
    Just stopping by through BNOTP.
    Will definitely be back!


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