Sep 30, 2009

Crockpot Chili

This is hands down my favorite chili recipe. My sister-in-law gave me this recipe a few years ago, and it is not the only only one I make. Now, she likes to include jalapeno peppers, but I don't want to feel like I'm on fire while eating because then my nose runs, my eyes water, and I forget how stinkin good the chili is. Unfortunately I don't have a pic, forgot to take one last week when I made it. Linking up to Crockpot Wednesdays

Crockpot Chili

6 slices bacon chopped
1 lb. hamburger
1lb. ground turkey
1/2 onion, chopped
1/2 green pepper, chopped

Brown the above 5 together

1 pkg. McCormick chili seasoning
1 large can Bush's baked beans
1 can kidney beans
1 jar salsa or picante sauce
1 small can crushed tomatoes

Simmer 1 hour on stove top or cook on low 4-6 hours


  1. This is a lot different than any chili I have made. It sounds great! I need to make some because the weather is starting to get a little chilly. I also love this one's make in the crockpot :)

  2. Thanks for visiting Pandora's Box! Your chili recipe sounds great for a cool fall afternoon in central NY, so I copied it...I always use my crockpot more in the fall than in any other season...thanks for the recipe!

  3. I'm hungry! All your recipes sound yummy. Will have to try the chili one. My husband loves chili. Enjoyed my visit and thanks for visiting mine and leaving such a nice comment.


  4. I don't think I have ever heard of chili having bacon in it.
    This sounds like a yummy fall comfort food.

    BTW, be sure to stop by my blog. I left a little something for you. =)


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