Sep 28, 2009

Creamy Tuna and Zucchini Casserole

I make tuna casserole about once every couple months, it has never been a "huge" hit with the daycare kids, but they don't mind it. I had two zucchinis sitting in the fridge that needed to get used, so I took one and chopped it up real fine and added it to the casserole. The kids LOVED it this time! I am always looking for things (like veggies) to add into casseroles/hot dishes to make them healthier. Enjoy!

Tuna and Zucchini Casserole

2 c. elbow macaroni cooked
4 Tbl butter
4Tbl flour
1 clove garlic
1 zucchini finely chopped
1 can tuna, drained
1 c. frozen peas

For the sauce, melt the butter, add garlic and cook for a minute or so, add the flour, again cook for a minute. Add milk until the sauce is the right consistency, add a bit of salt and pepper. Mix can of tun with pasta

and add the sauce. One thing I forgot to do that I normally do is to add in some shredded cheese with the sauce. Makes it creamier:) Finish by adding the cup of frozen peas.

Bake at 350 degrees for about 30-40 minutes.
Linking up to Tasty Tuesday


  1. That's awesome that everyone liked it! Sounds good to me, too.

    Hope you had a great Monday. Stop back in to enter and blog about the giveaway.


  2. This looks delicious! I have some zucchini from the garden that I may just have to try this with.

  3. I haven't made tuna "hotdish" in ages!

  4. Come join me for Crock Pot Wednesday. I would love to see your favorite slow cooker recipes posted there. Thanks. Debbie

  5. I haven't had a tuna casserole in ages, going to have to try this one!

  6. This tuna casserole sounds like a good version! Thanks.Happy TMTT.

  7. I have made tuna and peas casserole and I really like it. I will have to try your recipe soon. THANKS!!! Geri

  8. It's been a long time since I made a tuna casserole and yours sounds GREAT!

    Thanks for sharing with TATT!


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