May 2, 2021

Alayna #15

Our little Mouse is 15!  It just seems like she should still be three, full of energy and shenanigans, but then that means should would be a handful again, and I think I'm told old for that kind of energy haha!!!

She's at the age now where birthdays are a little more low key.  She had a couple friends over and they soaked in the hot tub and ate their weight in junk food.

Alayna is just finishing up her first year in high school, and I think we'll all be glad to see that go!  Being in school during covid was not an easy feat.  With all the quarantine's and in school part time/home part time was tough.  But she handled it well and we're almost at the finish line!

This kid still cracks us up on the daily!  

She's still playing volleyball, how they managed to play with masks on is something I will NEVER understand.  It was so hard for them.

Dad is still happy she wants to hunt with him!

And of course the biggest excitement was getting her drivers permit!  She is a really good driver, and although it will take mom awhile before she can actually drive with her I know she'll do great!

Mouse, we love you so much, don't ever stop being you!!

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