If you read my post here then you saw that I got blessed with the stomach flu over Christmas. While I was miserable for 3 days straight, the one good thing it did was give me a jump start on my New Year goals! So after enjoying this yummy New Years Day breakfast Brad made (he made the caramel rolls again since I couldn't eat them on Christmas Day, he's so sweet), I got right to goal making!
I pretty much have the same goals every year, get into better shape, eat better and give up Diet Coke. Every.Single.Year.

This past fall/holiday season I was not very good about exercising. My beloved treadmill that I have used consistently for 19 years died in the spring. Not having that treadmill was SO hard! I did use the Beachbody On Demand which I loved and all summer was very consistent with working out, ]and loved how I looked. Then school fall sports started and it all went to hell. With 3 girls in sports we were at swim meets/volleyball games 2-3 nights a week from 4-8:30. My suppers consisted of popcorn. Not the best way to eat. Plus the workouts were non existent.
And then December was a free for all, because, well, it's the holidays!! So needless to say my clothes were feeling tight, and I just felt gross.
It was way easier to start eating better once I could eat again because it really took awhile to get my appetite back (even coffee, so sad!). All in all I lost 5 pounds and have kept it off so far, haha.
I am lucky that I truly enjoy eating healthy foods. Of course I enjoy indulging also, but I know what I need to do to keep my weight down and feel good.
One of my favorite soups that I recently found was this Detox Soup. The first time I made it I laughed because I knew I would have to choke it down, it's not the most appetizing looking soup. However, it knocked my socks off!! It is so delicious and refreshing, I've made it twice.
I also spent most of New Years Day getting my planner all filled out. I meal planned through April and made my daily workouts. I do SO much better when I have a plan. I use the Erin Condren planner, and is my 5th year using it and I still love it. I like to put a weekly quote/scripture and then fill in with inspirational quote stickers.
As far as workouts go, I bought a cheap mini treadmill that I get on and jump for 10 minutes in the morning, it's so good for your joints and a great way to get my sweat on early in the morning. I also FINALLY got a new treadmill!! It feels amazing to get back on it again. I am just walking for now, but will work my way back into running. My goal is to run a 5k by the end of this month. I am also doing weights daily, nothing super heavy, just easing my way into it.
Since I tend to have a more sensitive stomach, I bought more probiotics to start taking again since being sick as I had gotten out of the habit of taking them. Along with that I take vitamin d, biotin and Young Living Daily Greens.
It's been 2 weeks since I've had a Diet Coke and so far I don't crave one. That has always been my hardest thing to give up, why I don't know. I've been drinking a lot of Kombucha (lemon ginger is my fave!) and La Croix. I still like fizz!
We also bought a new bed which I honestly think has made the biggest difference. We both are sleeping so much better and actually wake up feeling refreshed! My energy has been through the roof and I'm loving it!
So, besides getting my health back on track, I've got a few more goals for this year:
*Read 45 books: This was my goal last year also, but I only made it to 33.
*Take and pass my aPHR test: This is my first goal I have accomplished!! I took the test last Friday and passed, SO excited about that! It was a test to become certified in HR.
*Take more time: I tend to become so focused on all that needs to be done around the house that I miss out on just taking time to enjoy the little things. This is a hard one for me because I just feel like I should be busy at all times taking care of my family, but I need to focus on me time and time with Brad.
So there's a little look into my goals for 2019!