Pretty cool to think that someone (other than my Mom or Dad:) enjoys my blog! I started this blog as a way to "scrapbook" my life, my kids, my love of cooking, etc. I never really thought anyone would actually enjoy it! So, many thanks Missy for this award! I thoroughly enjoy Missy's blog because we share many of the same interests, and I feel that we are on the same spiritual journey:) Anyhoo, please head on over to check out her great blog!
I am sitting here enjoying a LOVELY autumn thunderstorm. We really did not get many of these this summer, so I am loving every minute of it, well, except the part when the thunder cracked ever so loudly that we soon had three munchkins jump into bed at the same time:) Unfortunately I still have all the sheets laying on top of my garden because of the frost a couple nights ago. *sigh* Oh well, I will enjoy this stormy rainy day, a perfect day for making bread, I do believe!
I cannot WAIT to post one of the suppers we had this week, Monte Cristo's. I had never made them before, and my sister-in-law gave us a jar of raspberry jam which inspired me to make these. It was pure heaven on earth, I tell ya, post soon to come!!
Have a wonderful Thursday, and if you could, say a prayer for my dying 92 year old Grandmother. We are basically in wait right now, but pray that the Lord will bring her home soon, so she won't have to suffer. She is an AMAZING woman who was full of faith and love. I don't think she will ever know how much I have learned from her:)