Aug 9, 2017

Workin It Wednesdays

It's time for another Workin' It Wednesdays with Shay and Erika!
Today we're talking all about Back to School, let's be honest, it's one of my favorite times of the year!

I love back to school for many reasons.

1. It forces my kids to have a schedule again.  Amen.
2.  It means fall is on it's way!
3. It makes me re organize and purge alllll the things!

I always feel like September is the "new" January.  I like to have my house cleaned from top to bottom and closets gone through.  It's just my thing.

Here's how we do back to school!

Give me all the decor.  I love decorating for back to school, but I make sure to not put it up until a week before, or the natives get cranky.

The night before school starts, we have Spa LaZimm.  I would make them a big bubble bath, and do facials, manis and pedis.  Now that they're older, they don't want to do the bubble bath, but we still crank the music, do our nails and eat cinnamon sugar sandwiches (why do they love those so??)

When I stayed at home, I always made sure to make a special treat for when they came home on the first day.  I still make a special treat, but not quite as elaborate, haha!

The first morning I either make pancakes in the shape of their initial, or monkey bread.  Love the excitement they used to have!!

Sometimes we would make a welcome gift for our teachers!

And of course, nothing is better than school supply shopping!  Alayna declared our school shopping day the best day of her life!!

Image result for school supply pics

Now, this year I will have 3 kids in 3 separate sports.  I may be freaking out slightly, but we'll get through it.  My main tip is to plan, plan, plan!
I LOVE my Erin Condren planner and couldn't imagine life without it.  I get everyones schedules and meals plans down.  I have my meals planned though the end of October which helps SO much!

I also have a large whiteboard calendar that I write all of our activities/appointments on.  Above that I have a paper organizer that holds folders for each of the girls, so I can put any important papers in there.  Makes it much easier so I don't lose things!

I also have a smaller white board on our fridge that has our weekly meal plan so I don't gt asked a million times what we're eating for supper!  Here's a post I did a couple years back about meal planning.

So there ya have it, we super organized and have it all least for the first week, then it's all down hill, HA!!


  1. OMG that cake! So cute! I somehow finagled it so that the kids only have their activities on Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday so we can keep the other 4 days open which I'm hoping will be a good call! Hope you all are enjoying these last bits of summer!

  2. Girl, you are organized! I love the spa day idea. I wonder if I could talk the boys into it, lol.


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