Jul 24, 2017

Weekend Shenanigans

Well, well well, hello Monday.  It was SO freaking hard to get up this morning.  I seriously laid there praying it wasn't really Monday.  Why is it that on the weekends you wake up no problem at 5 am, but the week comes and you have to drag your arse out?  Ugh.

We had a wonderful weekend up at my dad and step moms!  Every summer we get together (I have one brother and 2 step siblings) up in Walker and enjoy the weekend.  Typically we get crappy weather, but this weekend was gorgeous!

Brad and I were both off on Friday and it was so nice to get caught up around the house before we left.  Brad and mouse went fishing and Rachel was doing some volunteer work in town.  We got up to my dads around 4:00.  I think my favorite thing (besides being with family of course!) is not having to cook all weekend, it's glorious!!  And all the moms said amen...

My third favorite thing is this sweet boy!  He is SO sweet and fun right now.  This was his play-all-day-no-nap, haha!!  

Each day we got out for a nice walk and enjoyed the scenery.  We also got lots of shopping in!  Alayna has to take a pic with this statue in town.  I have no idea what the story is behind it, but it cracks her up!

The best part of the weekend was the concert my dad and his buddy put on.  My dad sings, plays the guitar, banjo, dulcimer and different native flutes.  He's kinda musical.  It was so fun to hear them sing!

He even convinced all the grandkids to sing with them!  My brother and I got up and sang "You Look Wonderful Tonight", which was so fun to sing with him.

After the music, we got a nice bonfire going, we enjoyed the colored flames and smores (the smores were made before we used the powder to change the fire colors, so no worries!).  It was a wonderful weekend with family!

This week is full of volleyball camps for Rachel and Alayna, and softball for Alayna.  Emma is having her girlfriends over one night and then this weekend we are getting together with my mom, her husband and that side of the family.   My step sister and her family are here from Oregon, and we are SO excited to see them!  Saturday we are having family pics done since they will be home and then every one is staying for supper.  Brad is going to smoke some ribs and chicken and I'm just so excited to have everyone here!

I also want to share what's on our menu quick...

Monday: Chicken Salad Caesar Wraps from Mels Kitchen Cafe
Friends, these were AMAZING and so easy to whip up!

Tuesday: Taco Pasta- another recipe from Mels!

Wednesday: Creamy Orzo with Chicken- again, Mels recipe. 

Thursday- Burgers on the grill

I really love Mel's blog (in case you didn't already know), her food is so, so yummy and full of real, healthy ingredients.  I'm really picky about the ingredients in our food, so I tend to find the blogs that have easy, healthy recipes with ingredients I can easily find.  Here are my most favorite blogs:

I also love the last three blogs for their workouts they post.  Kristen from  Iowa Girl Eats has a ton of treadmills workouts I've done and loved.  Her blog is full of healthy gluten free recipes.  Anne from Fannetastic Food and Tina from Carrots and Cake have both ran marathons, so when I was training for my half, I got a ton of info from their blogs!

Hope you all have a great week!!


  1. I love Mel because of you! I made her taco seasoning last night for friends- so good! I'm going to check out these other blogs on the road trip. So fun that your dad is a musician! I wish someone was talented like that in my family! Have a fabulous week with family!

  2. Mel is the only one i don't read, so I'm definitely going to check out her recipes!


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