Jan 25, 2017

What's Up Wednesday

Linking up with Shay, Mel and Sheaffer for another What's Up Wednesday!!



 What We're Eating This Week:
I've really been on top of meal planning and prepping!  I've been making some good ole standbys and also plugging in some new recipes.  

I had the meatloaf, lasagna and pizza dough in the freezer which makes my life so much easier!!  Here is what we've had this week:

Monday:  Meatloaf and mashed potatoes
Tuesday: Venison sausage and fries
Wednesday: Lasagna, ceasar salad and garlic bread
Thursday:  Emma's night to cook!  She is making pizza twists
Friday:  Homemade pizza

Emma has been into cooking and baking (which I love!) and this weekend she made homemade churros with chocolate sauce, YUMM!!

 What I'm Reminiscing About:
Mexico!  We went to Mexico in 2010 with 4 other couples and had an AMAZING time!!

We decided to take the kids to Mexico in February, and while I am excited to relax and not think about work or life, I am just not quite into it yet.  When we went the last time, I was a working out machine, tan and felt amazing.  This time I'm pretty sure I will look like a beached whale, but oh well.

What I'm Loving:

I shared with you how I am getting up early to have some quiet time since the New Year started and I am LOVING it!!  I seriously can't wait to go to bed just to get up early and have some "me time".

What We've Been Up To:

Volleyball, volleyball and more volleyball!!

Rachel had a tournament in the cities on Sunday and they did SO well!!  They ended up placing 4th out of 12 teams.  They have a great group of girls and all get along so well!  It's going to be a super fun season of watching them play and hanging out with some fun families.  I also have been making sure I am on top of my meal prep, and of course made my famous granola bars that everyone loves, I'll share the recipe this week!  One of her teammates who she was on a team with 2 years ago told me she was so excited to be on a team again with Rachel so she could have my granola bars again, ha!

What I'm Dreading:

Absolutely nothing.  Since my trial is done, I can't even tell you how amazing I feel, and so relaxed!!

What I'm Working On:

With Mexico coming up here shortly, I've been so disappointed in myself for not working out.  With the holidays and the stress of trial, I hadn't worked out in a couple months, and my workouts before then were super spotty.  I have ALWAYS worked out, even while pregnant, so I've just been really down about it.
My amazing treadmill is 16 years old, and I love her to pieces, but I'm bored with her right now.  I decided to get my old workout videos and totally forgot I had Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer.  I decided to do one video everyday until Mexico.  With the warm up and cool down, it's about 15 minutes.  Now that I can do!  I get the best workout and am a sweaty mess in 15 minutes!
What I'm Excited About:

Mexico!  I cannot wait to relax on the beach with a good book and a cocktail!

Image result for mexico beach images

What I'm Watching/Reading:

I'm watching all the Chicago shows (Med, Fire, PD) and of course "This Is Us".  LOVE this show!!  I seriously ball at every.single.episode.  Ridiculous.

I just finished another Kindle book, "Deliver Her" by Patricia Perry Donovan.  It was ok, but not one of my faves.  I ordered 2 books from Amazon, "It Ends With Us" by Colleen Hoover and "Barefoot" by Elin Hildebrand.  I'm super excited to read these!!

What I'm Listening To:

At work we have iHeartRadio and we started listening to the Rewind channel and it's SO good!  It's a lot of the good 70's and 80's stuff!

What I'm Wearing:

Nothing fancy.  I'm trying to order some clothes for Mexico.  Ugh.  Not impressed is all I have to say...

What I'm Doing This Weekend:

Not a DAMN thing and I cannot wait!!  Our whole entire weekend is open and this hasn't happened since before Christmas, maybe Thanksgiving??  I plan to get caught up on some TV and reading.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month:

Ummm, Mexico??!!

What Else Is New:

We are working on finishing our lower levels.  We built a 4 level home 10 years years ago, and only finished the family room on the lower 3rd level.  The 4th level has always been storage and where my treadmill and craft stuff is.   Brad has been working on finishing it since a year ago last December.  For a whole year everything has been boxed up and in the garage, family room, and anywhere else that has room to store stuff.  Thankfully it will hopefully be done this spring and I CANNOT wait!  I'm tired of disorganization and dust, lol.

That's our life right now, busy, busy, busy but oh so good!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving your menu! Can I just come to your house and eat all week?? Ha! I think you will like "It Ends With Us." I loved it! Thanks for stopping by my blog!


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