Dec 5, 2016

My Cinderella Weekend

What a whirlwind of a weekend...It went from having zero plans to being busy the whole weekend.  I tend to get a little cranky when our weekends are full, but this one was so worth it!  

Thursday morning brought Billy the elf back, and he brought breakfast!

Friday I was looking forward to coming home from work and chilling with the family, but then Brad called Friday afternoon to say that we had two free tickets to Holly Ball.  Holly Ball is a huge formal fundraising event for our local hospice care center.  Our friends Jim and Melissa had colleagues that couldn't go last minute so they asked us.  I was in full on freak out mode because I had less than 24 hours to be ready for a very formal event!
Thankfully Melissa had several dresses to try on, and I chose this one.  She wore it last year and I joked with her then that I was going to wear it for something, it's so beautiful!

I'd say we clean up pretty well!

We got there around 4:30 which was social hour, they had an acoustic band playing and everything was absolutely gorgeous!

After the dinner they had a band and a video dj, and we danced until I could hardly walk, my feet hurt so bad!  We had the BEST time and I'm so glad we had the chance to go.  Just at the dinner they raised over $110,000!!!  Amazing...

Melissa and I pausing our jam session!

Unfortunately Sunday came way to fast, and we had a super busy day.  Both girls had their activity banquets, Rachel's was at noon and Emma's at 3.  

Emma's swim banquet was at Coyote Moon and they did such a nice job!  The coach had each girl come up and said a few words, she said how impressed she was with how much Emma learned in a short amount of time with this being her first year.  She also said how good she is at breaststroke, I could tell it made Emma's day!  We are so proud of what she accomplished this year.  Can't wait for next year!

Rachel's volleyball banquet was at the high school and we had a potluck.  Her coach also got up and talked about each girl.  It was pretty cool when he brought up how her serving is one of her strongest skills.  She struggled SO much with serving back in 7th and 8th grade, but now kills it!  So proud of her and how hard she has worked to get to where she is!

And finally, if you're Catholic, then you know that tonight is St. Nick.  He stops by everyone's house and leaves a bag full of goodies.  Alayna's favorite thing are her elf jammies, they are SO freaking cute!

Emma got the book "The Cabin" and some slippers and Rachel got a journal and slippers.  St. Nick also brought us a new devotional Christmas book and some yummy candy.  He did well, haha!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are enjoying all the sights, sounds and smells of Christmas!!!

1 comment:

  1. You look stunning!!! What a fun event! I love that dress! Sounds like a fun and busy weekend! :) Love A's little elf jammies!


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