Dec 17, 2016

Life Lately

Life lately has been a little hectic, but lot's of fun!

Work is getting CRAZY busy, so I feel like my weeks fly by!  I started a new job the middle of August and it was truly the best decision for me.  It is 20 minutes closer to home and the atmosphere is completely different.  I absolutely adored my co worker at my old job, and still miss her dearly, but I feel like I was meant for this job.  Pretty cool!

So with Christmas coming, the vendors at work are trying to fatten us up, ugh.  Twice we got some delicious donuts from our local bakery, along with meat and cheese trays, nuts and candies.  Pretty soon I'll start looking like Mrs. Claus....

My boss ordered these amazing cookies from a local lady, how cute are they??!!

Alayna and I have been busy crafting...
She made an ornament and a hot cocoa mix for her two besties....

We also made a couple of new ornaments for our homemade tree.

We played this new to us game, Telestrations on Friday night.  It is SUCH a blast!  

Unfortunately I am NOT artistic in the drawing department, but we seriously laughed so hard while playing this game!  I highly recommend it.  

Billy the elf has been busy with his shenanigans.

Speaking of shenanigans, poor Maci is going through withdrawals of not being able to go outside.  She is into everything and thinks she owns the house.  Little bugger.

It is cold, cold, cold here in MN.  Tomorrow's high is in the negative digits with wind chills around -30.  Yowsa.  The girls are staying at moms tonight and Brad and I are parked in front of the fireplace watching Saturday Night Live's Christmas special.  It is one of our fave holiday shows, SO funny!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun place to work. Look at all that food! ;) It's been ridiculously cold here in Montana as well. At least by the time it warms up, we'll feel like 20 degrees is warm. Ha!


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