Jun 9, 2016

Oh Hey June!

So apparently it's June already.  Where the heck did May go??  I don't like the fact that time flies by in warped speed.  Sheesh.
Here's what we were up to in May!

We drove down to see my Grandpa who is in a nursing home.  It was so good to see him and chat, he could talk for HOURS about when he was in the war, and I love every second of it!

We had a finch that flew into our patio doors and died, so William and Alayna had a funeral.  Alayna even sang the Hallelujah song, haha!

The end of May I got to go with Brad to a work convention in Chicago!  I had never been and absolutely LOVED it!

So much to see and do and eat!

I was able to go on a field trip with Alayna's class to the Ojibwa museum.  It is a really cool museum all about the Ojibwa Indians and their culture.

Alayna was gifted some roller blades and has been rollerblading non.stop.

Over Memorial Weekend Emma and I were very busy making food.  We made this homemade strawberry lemonade that was AMAZING!!

We had our annual Memorial Weekend campfire at the farm.  Emma enjoyed hanging with this sweet thing.

All the dads and kids had a wiffle ball tournament.  Most of the dads couldn't walk the next day.

Finally mousey had her dance show!  She is in a hip hop class and she danced SO well!  I wish she would stick with it, but I don't think she wants to.

She vowed she will never wear that outfit again, haha!

This summer is already crazy with all the girls' activities and running around, very thankful to have help (thanks mom!) to get them to their destinations.
Now I just need a secretary.  And a drink.

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