Apr 15, 2016

Friday Favorites: Birthday Edition!!

Happy Friday everyone!  It is sunny and 75 here in the great state of Minnesota, AND it's my birthday!!!  I don't think it could get better...

I have been spoiled all day and I'm not gonna lie, I'm lovin it!  Brad and the girls made a big breakfast, along with gifts and these are the gorgeous flowers I got from my co workers, along with an Applebee's gift card, so sweet!

Tonight we are having friends over to barbecue and sit on the patio, can't wait!

Last weekend I had my annual girls weekend and we had a blast!  The last couple years we've gone to Stillwater, I love that place.  Such character and history.  We stay at the Lowell Inn in their penthouse (it's an old historical hotel and while the penthouse is nice, it's quite outdated) and it's nice to have room to play cards or nap if we want.

We pretty much shopped, ate and had cocktails.  My favorite part is finding a fun bar and playing cards, so relaxing!  However one of these gals who shall remain nameless (wasn't me), may have had a leeeetle too much the first night and paid for it, haha!

Love these girls!

Tomorrow we have Brad's nephews wedding in Hutchinson, that will be a ton of fun!  Another busy weekend, but lots of fun too!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a good one.
    Pretty flower arrangement.


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