Dec 23, 2015

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!!

I cannot believe that Christmas Eve is tomorrow!  The girls are off on Christmas break now, so I have a long list of FUN stuff for them to do...Just kidding, they will be cleaning, doing laundry and wrapping my presents, haha!  Ahh the benefits of having older children...

It has been insanely busy around here.  Rachel has had drivers ed 3 nights a week from 6-9 which means that Brad and I do rock paper scissors to see who has to pick her up.  8:30 is my typical bedtime, just sayin...
So here's a hodgepodge of what we've been up to...

Emma had an orchestra concert last Thursday, they did so well, love listening to them!

There has been lots of movie watching by the fire...

And this crazy cat who stared up into the tree for about a half hour.  (never mind the empty chip dip can, mmkay?)

I was convinced a squirrel was going to pop out, like in Christmas Vacation.

We made a gingerbread house, and so far Jasmine (the dog) has only nibbled a tiny little corner!  It's a Christmas miracle...

Sunday we made Christmas cookies...Grandma Omi's molasses cookies, cutouts and twix cookies.

Sunday afternoon Emma had a little Christmas piano recital at her teachers house.  I was SO proud of her, she has learned so much since starting this summer!

Sunday night we drove around and looked at Christmas lights.  This was probably my favorite part of Christmas this year.  We made hot chocolate, got in our jammies and drove around town while watching "Christmas Vacation".  I think it's almost funnier listening to it than watching it, haha!

We also finished up our gifts.  Emma made a "snow survival kit" for her secret santa, Alayna made a reindeer ornament and they made some candy and cookie jars for bus drivers.

I will say that I feel like we didn't "do" as much as we typically do (crafts and such), but we were together the whole time and got lots of movie/fun time in!

I pray that each of you has a most magical Christmas and are able to spend it with the ones you love.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas!!! I hope you have a wonderful time with your family!!!

  2. Hi Cara! Beautiful family! I just saw your comment from last week and have to reply-we are just up the road in Sartell! :-) How fun to find another blogger that isn't from the south ;-)


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