Oct 29, 2015

Friday Favorites- Halloween Edition!

It's that time again to link up with Erika for Friday Favorites!

This week FLEW by.  Brad has been gone since Wednesday and comes home today.  We haven't really been gone at night, which has been wonderful!

Tonight we have the Halloween bus which will be a lot of fun, it's a Disney theme this year, so I am going as Belle and Brad is Dopey.  We couldn't find a Beast costume...oh well, there will be other dwarfs, so he'll fit right in!

Here are some Halloween favorites for this week...

Alayna and I made some treats for her dance class.  She is in a hip hop dance on Monday nights and LOVES it!  

Here is her class, she didn't want to dress up though...

Tuesday night Rachel and Brad went to watch varsity volleyball play the first play off game so the younger two and I carved pumpkins and watched, "The Family Stone", LOVE that movie!

Alayna's pumpkin was feeling a little ill...

Finished products!

She also made a Frankenstein card and wrote a little note for Grandpa Beepa.

I checked the Hallmark movie channel website and got excited to see that their new "season" of Christmas movies starts on Halloween!!  I'm thinking Sunday might be a movie day for us, haha!

We got some more pics back from our photo shoot on Saturday and although this one isn't my favorite, I still love it.  Love this man!

Love my girls!


  1. Oh my goodness, those are the cutest bags! & the hallmark Christmas movie list is always so fun, my father in law is obsessed with it ha! He constantly records them!
    Linds @ Not A Mom

  2. Looks like a busy but fun week. Love the goodies for the dance class and the pumpkins turned out so well! Have a great weekend!

  3. The puking pumpkin!! My brother did that once when we were kids and it was so much fun!! Seeing your picture definitely brought me back to my childhood :-)
    -Erin (No Bohns About It)

  4. I love the treats so cute :)
    Happy Friday
    Chelsea @ thewilliamsjourney1.blogspot.com/

  5. It's suppose to rain here all weekend, so I see lots of movies in store for us, too! Love the idea of a Halloween bus! That's a new one.

  6. So happy I came across your blog... :) Lovin' the Jack-O-Lanterns! Happy Halloween!

  7. The Family Stone is hilarious and I am so glad you shared the Hallmark info. I am a sucker for Hallmark movies, especially the Christmas ones. Happy Weekend to you!

  8. Hopped over here from the Friday Favorites linkup! Your family pictures are adorable! You all look so happy! I love Halloween too, it's such a fun holiday with kids! We carved jack o lanterns tonight too -- always a much messier experience than I remember in my mind! lol! Hope you guys have a great holiday tomorrow!
    xo, Jen @ bellenbrooks.com

  9. Beautiful family!! Great pictures! The Jack O'Lanterns came out great! I am soooo excited for Countdown to Christmas. Wish an original movie premiered tonight. It's tomorrow though!! Movies all day is my plan too! Happy Halloween

  10. So fun! I love the pumpkins!! We didn't carve any this year and now I'm bummed! Next year for sure!


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