Jul 15, 2015

Life Lately

Gosh it's been crazy since the 4th!  I feel like I haven't hardly sat down, lots of stuff going on!
Last week Emma and I had a mommy-Emma evening.  We went to Olive Garden to eat (I love that she still lets me take pics of her!) and then to Barnes and Noble to get the latest book in her favorite Chris Colfer series.  It is so much fun hanging out with them individually!

Lots of this going on, basketball!  The girls love playing, I think Emma and Alayna might try basketball this year.

I was able to score this awesome electric piano from my boss (for free!) and Emma has been playing on it no less than 1-2 hours everyday.  Besides practicing her weekly lessons, she is teaching herself how to play quite a few songs, so fun to listen to!  (Unless you ask her sisters, then it's not fun)

We were also able to get some school shopping done.  I know it's only July, but you gotta start early when you have 3 kids.  :/  We are pretty much done clothes and supply shopping for Alayna, praise Jesus!

Image result for pictures of school shopping

Image result for ecards of school shopping

This ecard made me giggle only because you have never shopping with Alayna.  You would have thought we were torturing her by making her try on clothes...

Brad and I celebrated 17 years of marriage on Saturday.  17 sounds so long, it's a little strange.  It's been a wonderful, crazy, fun ride!  I am so lucky to have him, and to have the marriage we have.  It's not easy, it's a lot of work, but we BOTH make it work.  I am so proud of the life we have built together!


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