Mar 5, 2015

Volleyball Photo Dump

This past weekend was another great weekend of volleyball!  And fortunately for us, no travel!  They played at Rocori which is 10 minutes from our house.

Since Rocori was so close, we had lots of family come to watch Rachel play which made her day!  
Rachel and her cousin Madalyn.

Rachel and her BFF Taylor, LOVE these two!

Grandma and Grandpa Seitz.  I think the stress wore all the Grandparents out, haha!!

Grandma and Grandpa Zimmer

Rachel's aunt and godmother Barb.  Barb is in heaven as she has 2 nieces that play volleyball!

First place in Gold Division for our girls, woot woot!!

 One of the girls from their team last year came to watch them play, so sweet!

 Sunday we watched friends of ours daughter play volleyball in St. Cloud, so it was a fun filled volleyball weekend!!  I will be SO sad when this season is over with...

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