Mar 20, 2015

Friday Favorites!
It's that time again, Friday Favorites!  Linking up here.

1.  My sweet gramps...he's back in the nursing home again, and everyone was SO happy to see him back, it was adorable!  He's doing ok, very tired.  I am still so happy I was able to have another great visit with hm.

2.  We did our basketball brackets Wednesday night.  Let's just say that my teams have NOT cooperated, ugh...Emma is in first so far.

3.  The girls had dodgeball tournaments at school yesterday, and it was so fun to watch!  Emma's team got beat out in the first round (they played an 8th grade team) and Rachel's team ended up being champions!  Rachel's team was the "Liquid Gold Diggers".

It made me a little sad to think that this year is Rachel's last year at Kennedy, kinda scary to think of her moving on to high school next year, ugh..

Emma's team was "The Pineapples" and her friends mom made the shirts, SO cool!  Those four are just too damn cute...

4.  Alayna's note to the tooth (or toot, as she wrote) fairy was the bomb.  Seriously so freaken funny!

5.  Rachel is having her bday party this weekend, except at 14 you don't call it a "party", it's just a cool get together I guess....anyway, I am taking them to the outlet mall, Lord help me...All silliness aside, it will be fun, I love her group of girls!

Happy Friday everyone!

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