Feb 12, 2015

Marathon Update and Other Randoms

So, I haven't updated how my training was going, only because I was hoping I would be able to tell you how awesome my training was coming along!  Unfortunately it's not...I have been dealing with leg issues since December.  First it was my heel/achilles, then my knee and now I have pain on my lower left side of my calf.  I have been seeing my chiropractor weekly and thankfully am still able to run, only 3-4 miles at a time.

I was devastated at first, but now it's ok.  It doesn't mean a marathon is completely out, but it also made me realize the stress it puts on your body..

This was Rachel and I before her orchestra concert on Thursday (not sure what shes doing with her leg, haha).

We have the mack daddy of volleyball tournaments this weekend down in the cities.  We leave Friday afternoon and they play both Saturday and Sunday.  I volunteered myself to make the door decorations and I think they turned out pretty cute!

It's supposed to be in the negative digits temp wise, so being cooped up in school gyms for the weekend doesn't sound too bad!

1 comment:

  1. I love watching Volleyball!!! Sounds like the perfect way to spend a cold weekend! Have a great one!


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