Oct 30, 2014

A Reminder

I was a bit cranky last week.  Cranky that I didn't get my mileage in for the week, which made me completely doubt that I will ever be able to successfully finish a marathon in 6 months.  Funny how warped our minds are...
I was seriously having a super fun pity party for myself which may have included chocolate, when I walked out back to sit on the patio and sulk.  That's when I saw this:


A perfectly beautiful purple petunia growing from our brick patio.  This was like a face smack from God.  Seeing this flower reminded me how something beautiful can come from the most unlikely places.  It *shouldn't* be growing from the patio, but because of perfect circumstances ( and hard work on the petunias end...I mean really!), it did.

This was enough for me to suck it up and quit my pity party.  I CAN and WILL finish the marathon.  Will it be easy?  Hell no.  The training is going to be hell, I might get injured, I might have to take time off of running for whatever reason.  But I CAN do this.  Amen.

One of my favorite quotes is: "Forget the reasons why it won't work, and believe the one reason why it will."

Linking to Fitness Blondie


  1. You can do it Cara! Your right, it won't be easy, but it will be possible and it will be worth it!

    {I couldn't reply to your comment on my post because your a "no reply" blogger} :)

  2. Thanks so much Julie, I hope I have it fixed!


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