Sep 8, 2014

First Day of School

Tis the season, school has commenced!  Where did the summer go??  I'm actually very ok with the start of school...With me working 4 days/week, I felt bad that they were home alone those days.  They had chores to do everyday, along with reading and workbooks, which they couldn't believe how much WORK they had everyday.....Pfsh....

They had their cousin Will (who is Alayna's age) come over most days, so 90% of their day was playing Barbie's, Legos and school.  Can you guess who the teacher was?  And who would quit after 10 minutes of playing school because the teacher was too strict?  That's a whole 'nuther post...

I am happy to say that the first week of school went AWESOME!  Well, minus having to damn near drag Alayna out of bed because she is used to sleeping until 10...
 I have our calender organized with who has practice when, game dates, meal plans, workout plans and it feels good to know what comes next!  Now, lets just hope that I continue on with the organization!

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